We are looking to hire both full time and part time employees for various positions.
We currently work Monday through Friday each week starting at 8:00AM, and generally finish by 5:00pm with an average of approx. 24 hours each week for part-time or 35-40 for full-time. The work is very physically demanding. You MUST be capable of performing the job tasks which are very physically active.
A good helper will want to learn the trades and advance to be a leadman for our company.
Must be able to do sheetrock repairs and install new. Must be able to finish to a level 5. Refer to Google for level 5 finish if you do not know what that is.
All cloths shall not have any holes in the pants or shirts.
No cloths shall have any derogatory statements.
Shirts shall always be worn. No exceptions.
No profanity on any project.
When you are accepted for employment you will be on a 60-day probationary period. After the probation period your work will be evaluated and will be considered a full employee of Clark Home Remodeling LLC.
Monday -Thursday 8-5
Friday 8:00AM-2:30PM
½ hour lunch. 15-minute break in the morning and evening.
Overtime is time and a half after 40 hours.
Weekly work period is Monday to Friday. The first week will be held back and paid on the second Friday. Payment is by the hour.
Any employee or subcontractor that brings a project to us to bid on, and we get the job, will receive a lead fee for their effort on top of any bonus.
All employees receive a bonus incentive on all jobs over $2,000.00. Bonuses are received after the job is finalized and the Owner signs off on everything.
Bonuses vary on the size of the job and if any mistakes were made during renovations. No mistakes good bonus. Little mistakes, no big bonus but you still receive a bonus. Big mistakes no bonus.
This is our way of rewarding you for a job well done. High quality work in craftsmanship is what we are known for. This is your incentive to be better than the rest and get paid for it! You make us look good. We will reward you for it!
If you are hurt on the job and require medical attention you must submit to a drug test. Any illegal substances or alcohol found in your body will make you ineligible for coverage.
All employees and subcontractors are barred from drinking or doing drugs on the job site. No exceptions.
Employees. If you are a smoker. You can smoke outside during your break or lunch. You must dispose of your butts and not throw them on the ground. The first time you will be warned. The second time you will lose any bonus from the job. The third time you will be fired.
Subcontractors. If you are a smoker. You can smoke outside during your break or lunch. You must dispose of your butts and not throw them on the ground. The first time you will be warned. The second time you will be fined $20.00 for every butt that is found. The third time you will be fired.
I have been serving the Columbia and surrounding areas for 43 years and I always keep an eye open for an exceptional tradesman or tradeswoman!
Patrick Clark
Clark Home Remodeling LLC